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Büşra Sert

Curriculum Vitae

Short Bio

Hello, My name is Büşra Sert. I am currently a PhD student at TU Berlin under the supervision of Junior Prof. Dr. Mario Kummer. I am interested in real algebraic geometry, polyhedral geometry and matroid theory. I especially like working on the problems that have a geometric aspect.

I had my Bachelor’s in Middle School Mathematics Education at Balıkesir University, which I think helped me a lot improving my teaching and presentation skills. I received my Master’s in mathematics at Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University, Istanbul. During my master’s studies, I had the chance to have some research experience in two research projects as well as to attend several mathematical events. My Master’s thesis has the title “A study on the Chamber Complex”. In my thesis, I worked on the chamber complex, presented an algorithm to compute it, and considered the algebraic-geometric aspect of the chamber complex to understand its structure better, and to get some ideas about improving the algorithm we have.